Fly away with you looks like a bird
Find the place out to look
I will come to see you there
After when you get there
You got a long distance to cross
You got strong wings to fly
I am sure you have
And I know you have
Take your time and take it easy
Cuz there is another a lot of game
Playing smarter and playing fair
Cuz that is the rule to follow
You got a long distance to cross
You got strong wings to fly
I am sure you have
And I know you have
Явах зам хол ч чи тэнд хүр
Гэвч чамд далавч үгүй чи үүнийг дав а
Хурд ав, чи хүч ав
Хэн нэгэнд итгэх гэж битгий хичээ
Зүгээр л зүрхээ чагнаад өндөр дээшээ
Өнгөрсөн бүхнээ хэлээгүй бол
Тэнгэрт дахиад нисээд өөрийгөө ол